Graphic Artist/Designer Resume

Resume writing is a graphic artist is an artist, whose work is for all graphics, print and/or animation, arts/commercial clients. He will be for magazines, newspapers, design magazines or poster/hoardings. An illustration of a short work including customer, and strives to make it a whole creative works combining art and appropriate graphics.

Artists must understand the calculator tool, when you include Photoshop, Illustrator, PageMaker, such as InDesign and QuarkXPress.

In the field of education, in graphic design program, United States recognized University. People can go to the associate degree, Bachelor's degree, or in the arts/master of fine arts degree. Requires that all companies are a graphic artist would like to see at least one postgraduate degree mentioned in your resume.

This type of work also involves planning the entire layout (text and graphics) Web page designers, who later. For such a position, the applicant must be in XML and HTML, as well as with other programming scripts. In addition to this, there are many other types of products for graphic design or packaging design, materials used, or arrangement of objects.

A graphic designer's task includes a number of different responsibilities, including one of the most important responsibilities to sell ideas. He/she must be a very good marketing skills to sell their design concepts and ideas to clients/bosses. We should be prepared to work long hours, brainstorming, and how design, ideas, concepts and overall appearance, it is not a one person show.

In order to more clearly understand the resume format, see resume below, will explain in detail, how to be a graphic artist's resume should look like this in the structure, content and language.

Graphic artist resume sample

Jeff Daniels
123, Mary Street
Boston, MA,01234
Jeff. Denials @

Personal Summary:

Excellent knowledge and understanding of print and Web/interactive process.
Excellent oral and writing skills.
Strong interpersonal skills.

Work experience:

I design group-Boca Raton, Florida,
Graphic artist

Responsibilities include:

Conceptualization of the title team to develop plans and ideas, they in front of customers, throw the ball.
The product packaging, logo and concept art forms works.
In magazines, newspapers and flyers printed advertising graphic arts work.
And development activities of work and art boards and newsprint.
Trained students of new design methodologies and software technology.

Assistant Designer (graphic)

Responsibilities include:

Engaged in the various Web sites client-side graphics, text, design and layout animation.
Portfolios for clients with the design and development of junior middle school team of concept art and a variety of other weekly and monthly periodicals and magazines.
Communication development, experienced team of graphic designers, my design is approved.
Customers, such as ABC and NCV concepts and themes.

Level of education:

Fine art, graphic design, Bachelor of science in 2005
United States, California State University, CA


Get the opportunity to work, respect for customers, such as ABC and NCV.



This is a structure of the graphic artist resume. Observe the flow of language and the whole article is very simple, include reference to some industry standard design software, such as Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. Although the first two G video card used in software design, using InDesign is a magazine, tabloid, or every page of a newspaper layout structure. Knowledge of these software programs is necessary, if one wants to join the industry. Therefore, all the best.

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