Retail Sales Associate Resume Cover Letter

An example continues protecting correspondence for retail store revenue person job.
Given below is an example retail store revenue person continues to resume protect correspondence. If you are implementing for a retail store revenue person job, don't forget to send such continuous protection correspondence with it.

123, Recreation area revenue
Boston, MA, 02123
(123) 456-7890

September Twenty third 2008

Ms. Sue Cook
Zeus Light Bookstore
241, Eastern Street
San Francisco, CA 95241

Dear Ms. prepare,

You probably know me from the several times I've ceased by your store.

In the St. John Information Gazette, I observed that you have a starting for a salesman. Although I've never worked in a book store, you can see from I continue that my encounter in the collection, I encounter in Practical Business class and my work for the Information Gazette make me an excellent applicant for the job.

I'll bring a passion to the job that only a true book fan can.

If I do not listen to from you by the end of next week, I'll stop by to speak with you. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Martha Klingman
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Retail Sales Associate Resume Cover Letter