EMC Storage Engineer Resume

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The EMC storage space professional is a professional who designs and plans storage space capacity of electronic products. These products can be related with the software or general electronic products. It is the job of an EMC storage space professional to ensure storage space security of the products.

The responsibilities of an EMC storage space professional include planning the storage space for high end techniques and sub techniques, installing and managing the EMC facilities, administration the infrastructures, creating the security policies, keeping and problem solving the EMC facilities, giving product demos and presentations to the customers, managing technical issues, setting up the storage space system atmosphere, creating and testing the standard storage space solutions, managing data migration and planning storage space document actions, providing technical recommendations in product evaluations, managing decommissioning actions of EMC atmosphere, cultivating and keeping effective relationship with potential customers, conducting research of enterprise storage space market, creating and applying strategies to achieve business goals, and providing end to end assistance in team actions.

To obtain the position of an EMC storage space professional, it is required to obtain a bachelor�s degree in technological innovation. The job of EMC storage space professional demands information of operating-system, SANS, storage space hardware, storage space architecture, and storage space system installations and settings procedure and requirements. It is required to possess excellent problem solving, communication, analytical, problem solving, and management techniques.

EMC Storage Engineer Resume

Mike Fedrick
832 Waubonsee Rd, Bestynn, Illinois
Cell: 134-651-0021
Email: fedrick@example.com

Career Objective:

Hands on experience in designing and supplying Storage Area Network in enterprise atmosphere with strong information of about. Seeking a challenging position as an EMC storage space professional in an established organization

Professional Knowledge & Skills:

    Comprehensive information of operating, keeping and testing the storage space technologies
    In-depth information of storage space space networks as well as software and system environment
    Extensive information of storage space space system installations and settings processes
    Diverse information of storage space architecture and operating standards
    Ability to communicate effectively with strong analytical and problem solving skills

Professional Experience:

Organization: SystemsV, Illinois
Duration: March 2011 till date
Designation: EMC Storage Engineer

    Handling post-sales implementation procedures and settings of storage space system environment
    Implementing and upgrading the EMC storage space solutions to meet customer satisfaction
    Identifying storage space to Windows by utilizing EMC applications
    Establishing the storage space system atmosphere and keeping and problem solving the EMC infrastructure
    Preparing the project related documents and creating procedure improvement standards
    Identifying the appropriate tools for managing data migration actions

Organization: DeltaB Systems, Illinois
Duration: April 2009 to February 2011
Designation: Junior EMC Storage Engineer

    Provided inputs in setting up the storage space facilities by using standard techniques
    Planned the change management actions to provide assistance in project implementation activities
    Maintained the storage space facilities and upgraded the necessary tools and equipment
    Storage monitoring as well as creating solutions for storage space environment
    Handled capacity management actions and provided assistance in system technological innovation actions

Educational Qualifications:

Achieved Bachelor�s Degree of Science in Engineering
Illinois College in the year 2009

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