Network Security Engineer Resume

Network Security Engineer Resume

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Network Security technological innovation is concerned with the protection of program services. It is specialized in the protection aspects of social media techniques. The activity is similar to other techniques of engineering that focus on delivering the program services. Network Security Engineer is the expert who works on applying strategies to maintain social media protection specifications and recommendations. The duties of a program protection expert includes applying and keeping social media manages, installing program protection gadgets, set up and upgrading of software, researching on latest program protection technology, settings of program protection gadgets, managing and keeping program protection techniques, control of program risk, creating test plans, and execution of program protection recommendations and specifications.

Network Security Engineer is required to have the capability to deal with projects independently. It is mandatory for a program protection expert to have comprehensive information of program protection technology, conventional recommendations and techniques, programming languages, social media techniques, evaluation and research of program errors. A 4-year college level in program engineering is the minimum academic need to become a program protection expert.

Sample Network Security Engineer Resume

Richard Rondos
5627 Hill Avenue, Harlingen, Florida 67293
Contact Details: (111)-782-8728

Career objective:

Diverse information about LANs/WANs, Internet technology with hands on encounter in set up, settings, troubleshooting, and administration of program protection technology. Seeking an accountable place as a program protection expert towards export development and development.

Summary of skills:

    Experience of settings of Remote Accessibility VPN and execution of program protection initiatives
    Comprehensive information of program protection technology, Brocade program gadgets, program access accounts control, and program protection guidelines
    Extensive information of routing and switching, FISMA protection recommendations, and CERT/CND protection recommendations and procedures
    Well versed in WAN/LAN environment, Site-to-Site VPN, Internal Operating Processes, and program protection devices
    Possess excellent troubleshooting, analytical, and troubleshooting skills
    Capability to connect and interpret specialized documents, clearly and precisely

Work Experience:

Organization: Concentra Information Systems, Texas
Duration: January 2011 till date
Designation: Network Security Engineer

    Allocated the projects of performing Network Intrusion Detection (NID) tracking and program forensics analysis
    Perform the projects of keeping program scenario awareness and gathering of protection event audit log information
    Manager required creating conventional managing techniques to use in case of emergency situation
    In charge of troubleshooting social media issues, research of program traffic, and execution of protection manages to fulfill business requirements
    Allocated the projects of providing specialized protection expertise to the program infrastructure

Organization: INX Corporation, Texas
Duration: September 2009 to December 2011
Designation: Junior Network Security Engineer

    Managed required designing and tracking details protection tools
    Performed the projects of creating conventional techniques to create sure program integrity
    Allocated required keeping confidentiality data within the details program of the organization
    In charge of applying conventional resources and techniques to fulfill business requirements
    Managed required tracking program system and create sure maintenance of protection recommendations

Educational Summary:

Achieved Bachelors level in Network Engineering
University of Florida in the year 2009


Will be pleased to provide upon request

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