Restaurant Steward Resume

Terry Parks
2233 Harsh Avenue
California, CA 2110

Job Objective: To secure a job as Cafe Steward.

Highlights of Qualifications:

Admirable encounter in providing various drinks in restaurant
Sound information of all restaurant solutions for meals and beverage
Profound information of meals and drink products
Exceptional information of managing much dirty restaurant equipment
Ability to connect in British with customer
Ability to execute large physical work
Ability to sustain hygiene of all products
Ability to brush and mop your kitchen area ground as necessary
Ability to transportation large things through a populated room
Ability to sustain meals and drink support equipment’s

Professional Experience:

Restaurant Steward
Harth Cafe, Florida, CA
August 2007 - Present

Maintained all accessories and components as per appropriate managing techniques.
Assisted visitors to platforms and handled resetting routine as per need.
Coordinated with servers and associate servers to provide maximum solutions at all times.
Ensured conformity to all USPH requirements and handled public places for dining places.
Monitored all providing devices and conducted frequent sanitization of line.
Administered chinese suppliers, glasses and gold for all solutions and analyzed shares.
Managed all problems for visitors and helped in effective quality.
Ensured maximum level of visitor solutions for all meals and drink solutions.

Restaurant Steward
Hyatt Resorts, Florida, CA
May 2004 - This summer 2007

Maintained dining places and assured effectively hygiene at end of each food.
Coordinated with servers and juniors and assured appropriate support to all visitors.
Provided support to restaurant employees for food times for all visitors.
Administered selection and storage space of various restaurant provides and sundries.
Ensured conformity to all restaurant rules and techniques for support.
Developed time-table and escorted visitors to platforms for support.
Monitored support of buffets for morning meal, lunchtime and supper.


Bachelor's Level in Cafe Management
Saint Francis School, Loretto, PA

Restaurant Steward Resume

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