IT Network Specialist Resume

Arthur Cureton
2374 Nash Street
South field, MI 48075

Job Objective: To use my abilities, training and encounters to have a job as an IT System Expert lodge logic in the business.

Highlights of Qualifications:

Remarkable encounter in network technological innovation facilities design
Huge knowing of network architecture
Deep knowing of typical network monitoring
Good knowing of SONET, DWDM, TCP/IP, Ethernet technologies
Familiarity with Effective Listing, DHCP, WINS and DNS
Outstanding capability to organize with all stages of technological expertise

Professional Experience:

IT System Specialist
Fourth Technological innovation, Inc, Southfield, MI
May 2006 - Present

Added Thomas Edition Service Provider Alternatives Division.
Reviewed SONET and DWDM network efficiency.
Managed functional assistance and network control techniques.
Imparted adjunct assistance to network technicians.
Evaluated efficiency information and discussed fix of network efficiency problems.
Formulated network efficiency reviews.

IT System Specialist
General Characteristics, Southfield, MI
March 2003 - Apr 2006

Conducted everyday tracking of crucial organizational techniques.
Executed specific analytic and analyze workouts.
Carried out escalation responsibilities.
Managed certification of schedule servicing plans.
Coordinated modification and enhancement actions.


Bachelor's Level in Information Technology
Wayne Condition Higher education, John, NE

IT Network Specialist Resume

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