Bilingual School Secretary Resume Sample

Jimmy Simpson
4529 Ethels Lane
Tampa, FL 33634
Job Purpose Multilingual University Assistant with amazing information looking for a job in your company.

Highlights of Qualifications:

Substantial encounter of workplace control and clerical activities in a college setting
In-depth information of DOE rules, record control and cash handling
Remarkable information of college stock purchase and management
Proficient in Familiar with devices for your workplace, Microsof company Office Package and processing systems
Ability to connect to employees, learners and mother and father, in a great manner
Ability to protect privacy of college information, in an efficient manner
Professional Experience:

Bilingual University Secretary
Mofatt Nation University Region – Simon, CO
August 2012 – Present


Answered and instructed telephone calls, information, and posts to appropriate employees.
Maintained and modified college student information, school schedule and other school relevant information, properly.
Handled health problems of scholars and provided them with first aid and medication, as required.
Ordered, obtained, and provided school materials and supplies.
Operated and managed workplace machines and devices, effectively.
Developed and managed positive connections with school power, employees, and learners.
Bilingual University Secretary
Burlingame University Region – Burlingame, CA
May 2009 – This summer 2012


Scheduled sessions for Major and managed school letters.
Handled and addressed class, educating and program relevant demands from instructors.
Oversawissues relevant to college student self-discipline and presence and informed mother and father regarding the same.
Coordinated and performed all projects relevant to college student enrollments and exchanges.
Monitored and managed all student-enrollment records and performance data files.
Utilized DOE techniques and Microsof company Programs and helped with upgrading school schedule.

Bachelor’s Degree in Primary and Special Education
Berry College, Install Berries, GA

Bilingual School Secretary Resume Sample