Contract Screener Resume Sample

Captain christopher Horton
4817 Rock Lane
Philadelphia, PA 19108
Job Purpose A skilled Agreement Screener with great skills and encounter looking for a job in a well known organization.

Highlights of Qualifications:

Highly experienced in customer testing and referrals assessments regarding contracts
Sound information of latest employment styles and choosing procedures
Commendable information of MS Office, data source, and on the internet choosing resources
Familiarity with data research, monitoring, and confirming practices
Ability to screen continues and relate prospective candidates, according to job criteria
Ability to keep precise certification on all candidates, properly
Professional Experience:

Contract Screener
Axelon Services Organization, Chicago, PA
August 2012 – Present


Interpreted job position requirements and resolved choosing needs, in an joyful way.
Oversaw and helped with publishing of job ads, in regular basis.
Used on the internet choosing sources, worker recommendations, and data source and implemented applicant search.
Scanned through continues of very easily and analyzed their academic and employment details.
Contacted candidates and informed them about company and available job roles.
Screened, qualified, and referred prospective candidates for appropriate job openings.
Scheduled and synchronized the job discussions of all candidates, effectively.
Prepared, modified, and managed precise records related to candidates and work activities.
Identified and networked with appropriate job market connections and choosing companies.
Established and managed supportive relationship with prospective employer and choosing team.

Bachelor’s Degree in Health Promotion
Hebrew College, Newton Center, MA

Contract Screener Resume Sample