CISCO Customer Support Engineer Resume

CISCO client assistance expert continues must be precisely prepared with appropriate and exact specialized innovation projects. These real, and relevant specialized innovation resumes should be error-free, and appropriate in all conditions, to be able to get a good hold over the employer's attention. However, it takes a little span of seconds to be approved or rejected for the place, and so you have to be concise while preparing you continue. Try to set up an experienced and methodical continue program that can easily be approved by your potential employer or recruiter, and views you for an interview.

In general conditions, this area is highly imparted as expert and quite demanding. This is because of its continuous specialized functionality, and better client assistance encounters. In addition, these technicians are assigned with different types of specialized performance, that includes developing the fundamental powerful movie, valuing the overall feedback of the client, listening to their issues, and associated problems, managing the special data and voice applications, etc. In this way, they are accountable for plenty of opportunities across various teams and sections.

CISCO Customer Support Engineer Resume

Candidates who have the potential, and capacity to explore their expert profession in this particular area should create an amazing continues the program for the post of the CISCO client assistance expert. This example offered can guide you in achieving your objectives.

James C. Elwell
4039 Sand Fork Road,
16th Blvd,
South Group, IN - 46625
Contact no.: (574) 807-4783

Career Objective:

To obtain a better place as a CISCO client assistance expert, where I can utilize my exceptional abilities and abilities in the better growth of the company. Wish to be an essential asset to the respective company.

Career Summary:

Skilled, and able of dealing with various types of documentation perform, and associated press protocols; five years of core encounter in this particular profession. Awarded for responsibly attending the worldwide client assistance care solutions.

Academic Qualifications:

    Course: M.S(Master of Science) Customer Support Engineering
    Year: Aug, 2007 - July, 2009
    Institution: Eastern New Southern america School, New Southern america, NM

    Course: B.E (Bachelor of Engineering) Computer Science
    Year: Aug, 2003 - June, 2007
    Institution: Western New Southern america School, New Southern america, NM

    Navajo State Great School, Southern Group, IN

Professional Skills:

    Familiar with various types and broad range of CISCO network configurations
    Complete understanding in managing the CISCO communication programs, and associated channels
    Experienced, and able to perform on various platforms like Linux, UNIX, Microsoft Windows XP, etc.
    Competent, and experienced in managing various Microsoft software like MS Power Point, MS Word, MS Excel, etc.
    Able to handle various client relevant movie technologies like MPEG, Flash, and Microsoft Windows Media, Apple Movie streamer, etc.
    In-depth information in IT architectures like DNS, domain servers, data centers, VM-ware, etc.

Personal Skills:

    Strong, and accountable in managing the control crisis, and associated problems
    Able to prioritizing the client problems and their relevant issues for performance commitments
    Flexible to travel around the globe for client assistance services
    Efficient in keeping high standard export connection with various clients or customers
    Efficient in exercising the recently hired employees consistently and efficiently
    Experienced in keeping a very friendly atmosphere at performance with other associates

Work Experience:

Current Employer: CISCO Techniques Development, San Jose, CA (2010 - till date)
Designation: Customer Support Engineer
Job responsibilities:

    Worked with various associates to encounter the business objectives and objectives systematically
    Conveyed with various client assistance care group in solving the issues, and significant issues of the customers
    Offered methodical item exercising to the recently hired applicants, and guided them about various associated client services
    Provided assistance to various executives, and mature experts in managing the world-wide client assistance sites, etc.

Previous Employer: TYC Social press Organization, Dallas, WA (2009-2010)
Designation: Assistant Customer Support Engineer
Job responsibilities:

    Assisted several mature consultants, and specialized client assistance technicians in managing the CISCO protection systems
    Looking after the maintenance of various CSA control console, different complicated protection items, and handle the various QA, and marketing
    Systematically and directly dealt with household and worldwide clients, and managed the priority promotion issues of the clients
    Handled the debugging tools and modules in assessing the varied issues of the clients, all over the globe

Achievements and Awards:

    Appreciated for managing the significant client investments, looking after various developmental programs, etc.
    Compensated for generating double sale revenue through communicating with world-wide clients or clients, keeping expert connection with various household and worldwide clients, etc.
    Complimented for managing significant and complicated specialized assistance systems, helping the client assistance expert, etc.
    Honored for examining the networking issues, keeping the top quality of various CISCO items, helping in essential solutions, etc., in TYC Social Press Organization


Kyle Dans - Administrative Manager
Row & Kids Servicing Incorporation

Mike Sander - Assistance Engineer
Jones & Kids Social press Corporation

Mobility and Flexibility:

Willing to relocate anywhere in California and Dallas.


I hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is appropriate and real as per my information.


James C. Elwell

Try to prepare an amazing, expert, and methodical continue example for the place of the CISCO client assistance expert. Go through the offered example, and set up your duties and objectives as per the required job place. Follow this pattern, and set up a hard-hitting, and presentable continue a program that obliges your company to select you for the applied job place. In this way, you can accomplish your preferred dreams and objectives.

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